Southern State Freeze Preparedness
Home Buyer/ Seller Checklists, Home Maintenance, Plumbing"Freeze Alert Reminder:
10 Must-Know Tips to Protect Your Southern Home!"
When temperatures in the southern U.S. dip below freezing, homes can face unique challenges due to less frequent exposure to extreme cold. Many homes in this region…

Whats the difference between Natural Gas (Methane) and Propane (Liquified Petroleum)
Home Inspection Education (General), Plumbing
Understanding Private Water (Well) Systems
Ancillary Inspection Education, Home Inspection Education (General), Plumbing
What does your Myrtle Beach Home Inspector look for?
This article is going to focus on the components of the well system, understanding how they work, and the importance of monitoring ground water quality.
First, we will look…

Pool System Inspection
Ancillary Inspection Education, Home Inspection Education (General), Home Maintenance, Plumbing
What does your Myrtle Beach Home Inspector look for?
The pool system is a relatively simple system with simple components that, when used and maintained properly, can last for a very long time. This article is going to identify all…

Plumbing System Inspection
What does a Myrtle Beach Home Inspector look for?
Drain, Waste, & Venting
The drainage system in a home is pretty straight forward, waste goes down hill get paid on Friday. The most important thing is proper connections,…

How to Conserve Water
Ancillary Inspection Education, Home Buyer/ Seller Checklists, Home Inspection Education (General), Home Maintenance, New Construction, Plumbing
We take our water supply for granted, yet water is limited. Only 1% of the world’s water can be used for drinking. Nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable, and the remaining 2% are locked in ice caps and glaciers.…