Amperage Assessment for Major Appliances

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Ask a Home Inspector? In almost every Myrtle Beach Home Inspection we find an incorrect amperage rating (size of circuit breaker) in the main electrical service panel for several major appliances (yes, several). The primary reason for…

11-Month Builder Warranty Inspection

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Yes, your newly built home still needs to be inspected.  WHAT IS AN 11-MONTH NEW HOME WARRANTY INSPECTION? When a brand new home gets built from the ground up, most builders will offer a one-year home warranty on…

How to Conserve Water

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We take our water supply for granted, yet water is limited. Only 1% of the world’s water can be used for drinking. Nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable, and the remaining 2% are locked in ice caps and glaciers.…

The Importance of Getting a New Construction Home Inspection

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If you’re buying a new construction home, you might assume that a home inspection isn’t necessary. After all, you had the house built from scratch and customized to your exact needs! Wouldn’t a home inspection waste your time and money? That…